The world is drowning in waste
The world has a huge waste problem. Municipal Solid Waste generation is higher in more urban countries and cities. The global waste management cost is estimated at $375.5 Billion per year in 2025. Most of this waste is mostly landfilled.
90% Urbanization in Asia & Africa The waste problem will only become more severe. As cities become more urbanized, the generation of waste becomes higher per capita.
Moving forward, 90% of urbanization will happen in Asia & Africa. Cities in emerging countries such as India will experience very significant rise in population. Currently, waste management in most emerging countries is only on collection and not disposal. |
Transforming the world's waste problems into valuable resources
The traditional method of dealing with waste disposal by landfilling is becoming a less viable option. Landfills are beginning to fill up and landfilling also brings with it dire environmental issues such as water and air pollution, as well as culmination of many different types of diseases.
Fumase's focus on waste remediation and electricity generation from municipal solid waste meets our Triple Bottom Line (3BL) & ESG goals. |